
我被任命为少尉, 美国陆军, Finance Corps from the Alfred University ROTC program in the first week of May 1970 on the grassy field next to the ROTC building.  This was the year of the Kent State University shootings and much unrest in the United States because of the Viet Nam war. At Alfred there were student demonstrations and a threat of burning the ROTC building which quite frankly would not have bothered most of us that had classes in the building.

毕业后和一个暑假在家工作, I went on active duty in November 1970 and attended the Finance Corps basic and other courses at Ft. 本杰明·哈里森在印第安纳波利斯报道. IN.  At that time we were told we would have a one year stateside tour and would then be shipped to Viet Nam.  我的第一个任务是在布鲁克陆军医疗中心(BAMC). 萨姆·休斯顿在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥.  This turned out to be a great first assignment as I became the project officer for converting the BAMC pay records to a centralized pay system out of the 美国陆军 Finance and Accounting Center (USAFAC) located at Ft. 本杰明·哈里森,美国.  The conversion required delivering several boxes of “punched cards” in 500 card increments to establish the pay accounts in the central computer. 

The required 培训 and establishing the pay accounts was quite a task given the fluidity of Army medical corps students and patients from Viet Nam.  During this assignment the Viet Nam war started to phase down and American Prisoners Of War (POWs) were released and many returned to BAMC.  I and a Sergeant from USAFAC were able to interview each of the returning POWs to inform them of their pay entitlements and status upon their return.  不用说,那是一段非常有趣的时光!

1973年夏天,我被调离了朝鲜的任务,来到了华盛顿, DC和Ft. 米德博士.这是一项为全球士兵服务的绝密任务.  那时我已经是上尉了,任务级别很高,责任重大.  During this time I got married (Lyn Hauprich Denny AU ’73 School of Nursing) and obtained a master’s Degree in Public Administration and Budgeting from George Washington University.

1977年1月,我们回到了福特堡. Benjamin Harrison for the six month Captain’s Career Course and then an assignment to Goppingen Germany with the 1st 作为步兵师前方的预算官.   This was another superb three year assignment with great exposure to Army tactical operations during a period of severe budget restrictions. 

1980年5月,我们(现在是妻子和两个儿子)回到了美国空军基地, 印第安纳波利斯, IN for an assignment as a project officer to place mini computers in Army finance offices worldwide for pay input to the centralized computer system.  同样,测试和建立所有软件的高水平工作, 规定, 培训, 以及新系统的安全性. 

In 1983-84, 现在是少校, we spent a year in study at the Army’s Command and General 工作人员 College and welcomed the birth of our third son.

我们很惊讶地回到了福特堡. 本·哈里森,这次去了陆军财政学校.  This assignment was very rewarding as I became the project officer for the activation of the Army Finance Corps regiment on May 6, 1987年,他是教理和支持部的首任主任.  在此期间,我们建立了财务部门, 中校和中校指挥位置, 以及在战时使用的原则.

作为为数不多的拥有最高机密权限的金融队军官之一现在是中校, my next assignment was to the Pentagon with a newly formed organization resulting after the LTC Oliver North arms sales incident.  This was another high level position as we worked for the Vice Chief of 工作人员 of the Army and conducted many high level meetings to solve challenges at all levels of the Army.

幸运的是,在五角大楼待了两年后,我被选为指挥官,我们搬到了福特堡. 在佐治亚州本宁,我成为安装财务和会计官(F&他是二百一十五军的指挥官th 财务支援组.  这个指挥部是我在金融学院时我们建立的一部分.  这是一个为期两年的任务,我真的很喜欢.  F&AO with approximately 200 civilian employees plus my unit’s soldiers was identified as the best of the installations in the Training and Doctrine Command.  从1990年的第二年开始, 萨达姆·侯赛因入侵科威特,我的部队参加了沙漠盾牌/沙漠风暴.  我们是第一个完全部署的财务部门.  It was indeed gratifying that what we had envisioned with units and doctrine at the Finance School became a reality and worked during this wartime period.  最终, I ended up with the “distinction” of being the longest serving Finance Corps officer in the theater of operations as I arrived in Saudi Arabia in September 1990 and did not come home until June 1991.

回到Ft后. 本宁和指挥部的变动我们搬到了卡莱尔兵营, 作为一名陆军战争学院的学生,这是“我们生命中最美好的一年”.  It was truly amazing to see the caliber of officers in attendance knowing that many would make General officer and ultimately leaders of the Army.  I did come out for early promotion to Colonel and after graduation we moved back to Northern Virginia.  I spent almost 5 years as the Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer for the Army National Guard in the Pentagon.  This was another great and stressful assignment as we helped make future decisions on the equipment and force structure of the Army National Guard.  这是我军旅生涯的巅峰,我已经服役26年多了.

一个很长的故事和职业生涯开始于皇冠体育app和后备军官训练部.  I did not envision a career within the Army but I was significantly challenged with rewarding assignments and came to love serving alongside many great soldiers.  What I learned growing up at Alfred University was not just the classwork but how to get along with people and ultimately leadership skills.  I am proud of my military service that grew out of being a cadet within the Alfred University ROTC Department.